Tuesday, September 13, 2016


coherent: united as or forming one.
belabor: argue or elaborate.
eschew: deliberately avoid using.
acquisitive: excessively interested.
emulate: match or surpass.
banal: so lacking in originality.
excoriation: harsh criticism.
congeal: solidify or coagulate.
carping: difficult or please.
substantiate: provide evidence to support.
temporize: avoid making a decision.
largesse: generosity in bestowing money.
tenable: able to be maintained.
insatiable: impossible to satisfy.
reconnaissance: military observation of a region.
germane: relevant to a subject under consideration.
ramify: from branches or offshoots.
intransigent: unwilling or refusing to change ones views.
taciturn: reserved or uncommunicative in speech.
I got a B on my essay about the themes in both stories YGB and Earth on Turtles Back. I was very surprised since I hadnt gotten through YGB.